Free Website Mini-Audit for Private Investigators

It’s hard to know how to make things better if you don’t know what’s broken. It’s true for doctors, and it’s true for websites too.

Our free website mini audit will identify several places where your website is struggling. We’ll tell you what’s wrong, why, and how to fix it in a free 10 minute video.

If you aren’t getting the online inquiries you need, and you don’t know why, then this is what you’re looking for.

Investigator website mini audit features

A technical website specialist will examine your site and identify several problem areas.

The audit is completely non-invasive and safe. We work purely off the publicly visible parts of your website.

We’ll record a custom 10 minute, private video that goes through what we found.

No obligation. You’re free to do what you like with your results, including shopping around with our competitors.

Listen. We know what we’re doing when it comes to PI websites. But we see a lot of investigation agencies who are being let down by their own sites. We want to make sure you can reach all the customers you need. And we know how to help make that happen.

Get in touch with PI Spotlight to book your free website mini audit.

Request your free PI website audit